Experiencing Aligned Brands: Brand Alignment Joy

There is truly no greater consumer joy than experiencing an aligned brand. Learn why aligned brands are so rare.
Experiencing Aligned Brands

Brand Alignment Joy

There is truly no greater consumer joy than experiencing an aligned brand. Think of your very favorite personal buying experiences. What is your go-to brand for your hobby or other passion? Name your most-frequented restaurant that knocks the entire dining experience out of the park every single time.

Which clothing line do you totally trust to make you look and feel your best? What’s your favorite hotel chain that treats you like you own the place? What business service company consistently exceeds your expectations? You may be able to list a few, but they are the exception.

We enjoy aligned brands because they are a rarity. When we encounter one, it creates a special feeling of oneness and appreciation, almost like the brand was crafted and delivered just for us. An aligned brand usually brings its emotions and vulnerability to the forefront to create a sense of genuineness and authenticity.

Aligned brands are not driven by an algorithm or formula, they are challenging to create and nearly impossible to duplicate. Aligned brands are intentional. Aligned brands find the right balance between art, science and common sense. They also require a special touch.

There are multiple facets to a properly aligned brand, and they vary wildly by industry. Here are three of the primary reasons I believe aligned brands are so rare.

Why Aligned Brands are Rare:

  • Aligned brands require great vision and leadership
  • Aligned brands demand everyone’s participation
  • Growth can dilute aligned brands

Aligned Brands Require Great Vision and Leadership

The first reason aligned brands are few and far between is because they demand great vision and leadership. Truly aligned brands do not come from the bottom up, rather the top down, usually orchestrated by a single leader in a very fluid business atmosphere.

Especially in the world of entrepreneurship. That leader must have the courage and willingness to assess, own and address the issues. They must be willing to see and speak the truth, even when it hurts. Too often, simple arrogance gets in the way for many leaders and prevents them from being able to guide an effective brand alignment. The leader must be willing to deal from a place of truth and desire a keen understanding of the infinitesimal nuances of their brand to bring it all together for success.

Aligned Brands Demand Everyone’s Participation

Aligned brands are also rare because they require the cooperation and alignment of all of your organization’s key business disciplines. Good leaders of larger enterprises know to focus on the power of alignment within the organization. Basically, getting everyone aligned and rowing in the same direction. Finance, Engineering, Research, Human Resources, IT, Marketing, Accounting, Operations, and all other facets of your organization must be singing out of the same hymnal for optimum performance. That said, the majority don’t stop to think about the same concept as it relates to brand alignment. Busy lining up all of the larger internal organizational functions, the minute details of the true customer experience slip by.

Whether leaders like it or not, customers can literally sense when you are out of alignment and the words and actions they see and hear don’t match. What you say and promise, and what they actually see you do and deliver, must consistently match. At best, being out of alignment feels inauthentic, and at the worst, feels untruthful and dishonest. It is one of the things customers will forgive the least. Great brand alignment coupled with authenticity is a truly powerful combination.

This same concept holds true in a small to medium business. In fact, it is far easier in a small business because there are a whole lot less people to bring into alignment. For example, in a micro-business, it may mean simply getting your one other employee in line with your vision and direction, but it is still critical. Regardless of your size, business alignment must support brand alignment.

Many business leaders spend years developing their business model in search of the perfectly aligned customer experience. Through trial, error, teamwork and consultants, they often embark upon a course of continual improvement in search of this magical delivery. Some of them find it, but many of them never get there. At the end of the day, aligned brands require a special touch, whether created overnight or over time, and require the support of all business disciplines. Everyone must be fully engaged, because a brand is only as strong as its weakest link.

Growth Can Dilute Aligned Brands

Growth can rapidly dilute an aligned brand and is the third reason they are so rare. Frequently, a founder has alignment and vision, but as they start to expand the business, they dilute the singularity that made them great. This often comes from outside influences (consultants, board members, etc.) who are seen as “professionals” in their field, but don’t fully understand brand alignment prior to making recommendations.

It can also come from a creative founder reaching for incremental sales opportunities which causes them to overextend and lose touch with their original audiences. Lastly, it can come from the dilution of alignment through the addition of new team members who do not understand the purpose of the brand and have expanded beyond the daily reach of the founder. Growth is one of the most frequent origins of a misaligned brand and business leaders are often too distracted by other initiatives to see it.

How do your customers, or clients, describe their experience with your brand? Does it give them joy to purchase from you? Do they want to do more business with you and exponentially tell others because their customer journey is so rewarding?

Brandon Coleman Jr

With a legacy spanning half a century in strategic brand consulting, Brandon Coleman Jr is inspired to generously share his invaluable insights and experiences with entrepreneurs everywhere. Driven by the belief that his God-given purpose is achieving yours, Brandon has embarked on a mission of philanthropic knowledge transfer to share the incredible stories that have shaped his journey and the success of hundreds of clients. Not afraid of straight talk and willing to give away his secrets, Brandon has written a book named BRAND ON! and created The BRAND ON! Show which you can find on your favorite podcast streaming platforms. Join Brandon and turn your Brand ON!

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